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Safety Management Systems

Contact us to discuss creating and implementing your SMS

The new Marine Safety Management Systems Regulations (MSMSR) came into force July 2024 with compliance for most vessels required during the 2026 operating season. This means subject operators must be preparing to implement their SMS plans in 2025.

Creating your SMS

Developing and implementing your company SMS will involve risk assessments, collecting details of your vessel or vessels, reviewing and documenting your SOPs, emergency procedures, maintenance processes, crew training, and supporting administrative activities. When this process is complete, the 12-part draft SMS can be created and a trial implementation begun.


When revisions are complete and the final SMS is ready it must be submitted to your regional TCMSS office or, in the case of delegated vessels, to the Recognized Organization (RO) for review and an initial audit of your proceedures. When approved, Transport Canada will issue a Canadian Document of Compliance (CDOC) and a Canadian Safety Management Certificate (CSMC). These certificates will then be reviewed by your Transport Canada or Class inspector during your annual inspection to verify you are operating with an approved SMS. A useful guide to the new regulations and other resources are available here. 


Implementation & Approval Timeline

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*Compliance deadlines are tied to the date of the vessel's annual Safety Inspection Certificate. Most vessels will require compliance during 2026, some sooner. Vessels receiving their first registered after June 17, 2024 will be required to be compliant at certification. 

 Embark SMS Plans

Niagara Falls Catamarans

Operating in the high-risk and isolated environment of the Niagara Gorge, the plan for these two 700 passenger vessels required very comprehensive emergency procedures, and a self-recovery rescue protocol.


Toronto Charter Vessels

Cruising in one of Canada's busiest harbours the high-end Yankee Lady Fleet required a comprehensive plan that synthesized 40 years of successful operation with contemporary compliance obligations.

Harbour Hopper.jpg

Halifax Harbour Amphibious Tour Vessels

Amphibious vessels have a unique set of challenges. This SMS required strictly defined operating parameters to guide the crew and support staff of a five-vessel fleet.


Georgian Bay Sightseeing

Operating on Lake Huron's Georgian Bay, Parry Sound based 30,000 Islands Cruise Line required SMS plans for both of the companies' vessels: The 542-passenger ISLAND QUEEN V and the 40-passenger ISLANDER.


Georges Island Ferry

The ferry service to Parks Canada's Georges Island in Nova Scotia operates with an SMS developed to address the challenges of regular service on a short route.

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