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Can I be aboard during the survey?You are very welcome to be aboard and indeed this is a great way to get to know your vessel better, or to assess a vessel you are considering purchasing. The ideal situation is to meet with the surveyor at the end of the survey so gathered information can be shared. If there is to be a sea trial the owner or owners representative must be aboard.
Can you survey the vessel while it is out/in the water?Vessels can be surveyed both in and out of the water. Each circumstance has advantages and disadvantages. Depending on your goals for the survey a recommendation of in or out of the water can be made. For a pre-purchase survey it is highly recommended that the vessel be inspected out of the water, then launched for a sea trial.
What about rigging? Will you go aloft?The rig of a contemporary sailing vessel is best observed while the mast is unstepped and laid out horizontally. In this case a very thorough inspection can be carried out. If the vessel is still rigged all deck level fittings will be inspected, however comments about the aloft portion of the rig will be very limited. In the case of a traditional vessel with fixed access aloft via ratlines or ratboards, an aloft inspection can take place.
Do you charge for travel to get to my vessel?Atlantic Provinces (Canada): 0-100km from Halifax Regional Municipality - No Charge. < 100 km from HRM - $0.68 p/kilometer. Great Lakes (US and Canada): 0-60 miles from of Brighton, Michigan - No Charge. < 60 miles from Brighton - $0.62 p/mile.
Can you repair deficiencies?An unbiased marine survey is predicated on the surveyor having no interest in the results of the survey. For this reason to offer any repair service would constitute a conflict of interest for the surveyor. We would be happy to make recommendations and suggest vendors, but we will not try to solicit your repair work.
What if my boat is found to be unsafe?Surveys sometimes find issues that are considered urgent safety matters. These will be highlighted in your survey and discussed with you when the survey report is delivered.
How much will the survey cost?Please see the rates page.
How long will the survey take?From the onboard inspection to a completed report will typically take about one week. A completion date will be agreed upon when the survey is contracted. For a detailed breakdown of the survey process see the Services page.
Will the survey satisfy my insurance company or bank?Yes, Embark surveys are accepted by insurance companies and by banks. Most insurers now require a survey every five years for vessels over 20 years old. Banks will require a survey for financing approval.
What is your level of certification?The surveying profession is unregulated, thus many “surveyors” have no qualification whatsoever. In an effort to bring a quality standard to the profession a number of voluntary professional associations offer certification and professional development. Roger Nugent is an associate of the Society of Acredited Marine Surveyors (SAMS®). Roger is also certified through Transport Canada Marine Safety as a Master 3000 tonnes.
Are there vessels that you will not survey?I specialize in yachts and small craft, small commercial vessels (up to 500 tonnes) and historic or classic vessels (fore & aft and square rigged vessels of traditional construction). Large commercial vessels and some special purpose craft are outside my area of expertise. If I do not feel sufficiently familiar with your type of vessel I will decline the survey and recommend a surveyor with more experience with your type of vessel.
Is a deposit required to schedule a survey?No, however the final survey will not be released until full payment is received. Payment can be made by Credit Card, Business Cheque, or E-transfer.
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